Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

 6 am wake up call . . . hey mom and dad, it's my birthday :)

 let the fall festival begin . . .
 do you see the spider web?

 just woke up and i'm thinking about lunch
i'll have turkey, peas and pasta please!

 joaquin and jack
 i'm playing with my friends, but kinda by myself . . . where is luca?

 the apple bobbers

 craft table: pumpkin decorating, acorn and owl creating

 my birthday cake

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me . . .
happy birthday to me

 i think they like me and want me to stay!
i'm bushed . . . at 9:09, one year ago, i arrived!

More October

 mom says i'm dee-licious
 at cousin eddie's farm
 on a pony
 mom and i are in goat heaven
 this little piggy . . .
another great meal . . . burp!


 i love my tunnel . . . crazy light effects
 where am i?
 multi-tasking: books, toys and tv

 hanging out

watching raggs before going to bubbie's

More September . . .

 i fell asleep before dinner.  mom put me down thinking the hard floor would wake me up.  didn't seem to work- i was exhausted :)

the last of the baths by myself.  now i get to take baths with my dad.  i don't think there will be anymore bath photos!